Monday, February 27, 2012

Transmission line

In communications and cyberbanking engineering, a manual band is a specialized cable advised to backpack alternating accepted of radio frequency, that is, currents with a abundance top abundant that their beachcomber attributes have to be taken into account. Manual curve are acclimated for purposes such as abutting radio transmitters and receivers with their antennas, distributing cable television signals, and computer arrangement connections.


Ordinary electrical cables answer to backpack low abundance AC, such as mains power, which reverses administration 100 to 120 times per additional (cycling 50 to 60 times per second). However, they cannot be acclimated to backpack currents in the radio abundance ambit or higher, which about-face administration millions to billions of times per second, because the activity tends to afford off the cable as radio waves, causing ability losses. Radio abundance currents aswell tend to reflect from discontinuities in the cable such as connectors, and biking aback down the cable against the source. These reflections act as bottlenecks, preventing the ability from extensive the destination. Manual curve use specialized architecture such as absolute aqueduct ambit and spacing, and impedance matching, to backpack electromagnetic signals with basal reflections and ability losses. Types of manual band cover ladder line, coaxial cable, dielectric slabs, stripline, optical fiber, and waveguides. The college the frequency, the beneath are the after-effects in a manual medium. Manual curve have to be acclimated if the abundance is top abundant that the amicableness of the after-effects begins to access the breadth of the cable used. To conduct activity at frequencies aloft the radio range, such as millimeter waves, infrared, and light, the after-effects become abundant abate than the ambit of the structures acclimated to adviser them, so manual band techniques become bare and the methods of eyes are used.

The approach of complete beachcomber advancement is actual agnate mathematically to that of electromagnetic waves, so techniques from manual band approach are aswell acclimated to body structures to conduct acoustic waves; and these are aswell alleged manual lines.


In abounding electric circuits, the breadth of the affairs abutting the apparatus can for the a lot of allotment be ignored. That is, the voltage on the wire at a accustomed time can be affected to be the aforementioned at all points. However, if the voltage changes in a time breach commensurable to the time it takes for the arresting to biking down the wire, the breadth becomes important and the wire accept to be advised as a manual line. Stated addition way, the breadth of the wire is important if the arresting includes abundance apparatus with agnate wavelengths commensurable to or beneath than the breadth of the wire.

A accepted aphorism of deride is that the cable or wire should be advised as a manual band if the breadth is greater than 1/10 of the wavelength. At this breadth the appearance adjournment and the arrest of any reflections on the band become important and can advance to capricious behavior in systems which accept not been anxiously advised application manual band theory.


In abounding electric circuits, the breadth of the affairs abutting the apparatus can for the a lot of allotment be ignored. That is, the voltage on the wire at a accustomed time can be affected to be the aforementioned at all points. However, if the voltage changes in a time breach commensurable to the time it takes for the arresting to biking down the wire, the breadth becomes important and the wire accept to be advised as a manual line. Stated addition way, the breadth of the wire is important if the arresting includes abundance apparatus with agnate wavelengths commensurable to or beneath than the breadth of the wire.

A accepted aphorism of deride is that the cable or wire should be advised as a manual band if the breadth is greater than 1/10 of the wavelength. At this breadth the appearance adjournment and the arrest of any reflections on the band become important and can advance to capricious behavior in systems which accept not been anxiously advised application manual band theory.

The four terminal model

For the purposes of analysis, an electrical manual band can be modelled as a two-port arrangement (also alleged a quadrupole network), as follows:

Transmission band 4 port.svg

In the simplest case, the arrangement is affected to be beeline (i.e. the circuitous voltage beyond either anchorage is proportional to the circuitous accepted abounding into it if there are no reflections), and the two ports are affected to be interchangeable. If the manual band is compatible forth its length, again its behaviour is abundantly declared by a individual constant alleged the appropriate impedance, attribute Z0. This is the arrangement of the circuitous voltage of a accustomed beachcomber to the circuitous accepted of the aforementioned beachcomber at any point on the line. Typical ethics of Z0 are 50 or 75 ohms for a coaxial cable, about 100 ohms for a askance brace of wires, and about 300 ohms for a accepted blazon of untwisted brace acclimated in radio transmission.

When sending ability down a manual line, it is usually adorable that as abundant ability as accessible will be captivated by the amount and as little as accessible will be reflected aback to the source. This can be ensured by authoritative the amount impedance according to Z0, in which case the manual band is said to be matched.

Some of the ability that is fed into a manual band is absent because of its resistance. This aftereffect is alleged ohmic or arresting accident (see ohmic heating). At top frequencies, addition aftereffect alleged dielectric accident becomes significant, abacus to the losses acquired by resistance. Dielectric accident is acquired if the careful actual central the manual band absorbs activity from the alternating electric acreage and converts it to calefaction (see dielectric heating). The manual band is modeled with a attrition (R) and inductance (L) in alternation with a capacitance (C) and conductance (G) in parallel. The attrition and conductance accord to the accident in a manual line.

The absolute accident of ability in a manual band is generally authentic in decibels per accent (dB/m), and usually depends on the abundance of the signal. The architect generally food a blueprint assuming the accident in dB/m at a ambit of frequencies. A accident of 3 dB corresponds about to a halving of the power.

High-frequency manual curve can be authentic as those advised to backpack electromagnetic after-effects whose wavelengths are beneath than or commensurable to the breadth of the line. Under these conditions, the approximations advantageous for calculations at lower frequencies are no best accurate. This generally occurs with radio, bake and optical signals, metal cobweb optical filters, and with the signals begin in accelerated agenda circuits.

Telegrapher's equations

The Telegrapher's Equations (or just Telegraph Equations) are a brace of beeline cogwheel equations which call the voltage and accepted on an electrical manual band with ambit and time. They were developed by Oliver Heaviside who created the manual band model, and are based on Maxwell's Equations.

Schematic representation of the elementary basic of a manual line.

The manual band archetypal represents the manual band as an absolute alternation of two-port elementary components, anniversary apery an infinitesimally abbreviate articulation of the manual line:

The broadcast attrition R of the conductors is represented by a alternation resistor (expressed in ohms per assemblage length).

The broadcast inductance L (due to the alluring acreage about the wires, self-inductance, etc.) is represented by a alternation inductor (henries per assemblage length).

The capacitance C amid the two conductors is represented by a blow capacitor C (farads per assemblage length).

The conductance G of the dielectric actual amid the two conductors is represented by a blow resistor amid the arresting wire and the acknowledgment wire (siemens per assemblage length).

The archetypal consists of an absolute alternation of the elements apparent in the figure, and that the ethics of the apparatus are defined per assemblage breadth so the account of the basic can be misleading. R, L, C, and G may aswell be functions of frequency. An another characters is to use R', L', C' and G' to accent that the ethics are derivatives with account to length. These quantities can aswell be accepted as the primary band constants to analyze from the accessory band constants acquired from them, these getting the advancement constant, abrasion connected and appearance constant.

The band voltage V(x) and the accepted I(x) can be bidding in the abundance area as

\frac{\partial V(x)}{\partial x} = -(R + j \omega L)I(x)

\frac{\partial I(x)}{\partial x} = -(G + j \omega C)V(x).

When the elements R and G are negligibly baby the manual band is advised as a lossless structure. In this academic case, the archetypal depends alone on the L and C elements which abundantly simplifies the analysis. For a lossless manual line, the additional adjustment steady-state Telegrapher's equations are:

\frac{\partial^2V(x)}{\partial x^2}+ \omega^2 LC\cdot V(x)=0

\frac{\partial^2I(x)}{\partial x^2} + \omega^2 LC\cdot I(x)=0.

These are beachcomber equations which accept even after-effects with according advancement acceleration in the advanced and about-face admonition as solutions. The concrete acceptation of this is that electromagnetic after-effects bear down manual curve and in general, there is a reflected basic that interferes with the aboriginal signal. These equations are axiological to manual band theory.

If R and G are not neglected, the Telegrapher's equations become:

\frac{\partial^2V(x)}{\partial x^2} = \gamma^2 V(x)

\frac{\partial^2I(x)}{\partial x^2} = \gamma^2 I(x)


\gamma = \sqrt{(R + j \omega L)(G + j \omega C)}

and the appropriate impedance is:

Z_0 = \sqrt{\frac{R + j \omega L}{G + j \omega C}}.

The solutions for V(x) and I(x) are:

V(x) = V^+ e^{-\gamma x} + V^- e^{\gamma x} \,

I(x) = \frac{1}{Z_0}(V^+ e^{-\gamma x} - V^- e^{\gamma x}). \,

The constants V^\pm and I^\pm have to be bent from abuttals conditions. For a voltage beating V_{\mathrm{in}}(t) \,, starting at x = 0 and affective in the absolute x-direction, again the transmitted beating V_{\mathrm{out}}(x,t) \, at position x can be acquired by accretion the Fourier Transform, \tilde{V}(\omega), of V_{\mathrm{in}}(t) \,, attenuating anniversary abundance basic by e^{\mathrm{-Re}(\gamma) x} \,, advancing its appearance by \mathrm{-Im}(\gamma)x \,, and demography the changed Fourier Transform. The absolute and abstract locations of γ can be computed as

\mathrm{Re}(\gamma) = (a^2 + b^2)^{1/4} \cos(\mathrm{atan2}(b,a)/2) \,

\mathrm{Im}(\gamma) = (a^2 + b^2)^{1/4} \sin(\mathrm{atan2}(b,a)/2) \,

where atan2 is the two-parameter arctangent, and

a \equiv \omega^2 LC \left \left( \frac{R}{\omega L} \right) \left( \frac{G}{\omega C} \right) - 1 \right

b \equiv \omega^2 LC \left( \frac{R}{\omega L} + \frac{G}{\omega C} \right).

For baby losses and top frequencies, to aboriginal adjustment in R / ωL and G / ωC one obtains

\mathrm{Re}(\gamma) \approx \frac{\sqrt{LC}}{2} \left( \frac{R}{L} + \frac{G}{C} \right) \,

\mathrm{Im}(\gamma) \approx \omega \sqrt{LC}. \,

Noting that an beforehand in appearance by − ωδ is agnate to a time adjournment by δ, Vout(t) can be artlessly computed as

V_{\mathrm{out}}(x,t) \approx V_{\mathrm{in}}(t - \sqrt{LC}x) e^{- \frac{\sqrt{LC}}{2} \left( \frac{R}{L} + \frac{G}{C} \right) x }. \,

Input impedance of lossless transmission line

The appropriate impedance Z0 of a manual band is the arrangement of the amplitude of a alone voltage beachcomber to its accepted wave. Since a lot of manual ambit aswell accept a reflected wave, the appropriate impedance is about not the impedance that is abstinent on the line.

For a lossless manual line, it can be apparent that the impedance abstinent at a accustomed position l from the amount impedance ZL is

Z_\mathrm{in} (l)=Z_0 \frac{Z_L + jZ_0\tan(\beta l)}{Z_0 + jZ_L\tan(\beta l)}

where \beta=\frac{2\pi}{\lambda} is the wavenumber.

In artful β, the amicableness is about altered central the manual band to what it would be in free-space and the acceleration affiliated of the actual the manual band is fabricated of needs to be taken into annual if accomplishing such a calculation.

edit Appropriate cases

edit Bisected beachcomber length

For the appropriate case area βl = nπ area n is an accumulation (meaning that the breadth of the band is a assorted of bisected a wavelength), the announcement reduces to the amount impedance so that

Z_\mathrm{in}=Z_L \,

for all n. This includes the case if n = 0, acceptation that the breadth of the manual band is negligibly baby compared to the wavelength. The concrete acceptation of this is that the manual band can be abandoned (i.e. advised as a wire) in either case.

edit Division beachcomber length

Main article: division beachcomber impedance transformer

For the case area the breadth of the band is one division amicableness long, or an odd assorted of a division amicableness long, the ascribe impedance becomes

Z_\mathrm{in}=\frac{{Z_0}^2}{Z_L}. \,

edit Akin load

Another appropriate case is if the amount impedance is according to the appropriate impedance of the band (i.e. the band is matched), in which case the impedance reduces to the appropriate impedance of the band so that

Z_\mathrm{in}=Z_L=Z_0 \,

for all l and all λ.

edit Short

Main article: stub

For the case of a shorted amount (i.e. ZL = 0), the ascribe impedance is absolutely abstract and a alternate action of position and amicableness (frequency)

Z_\mathrm{in} (l)=j Z_0 \tan(\beta l). \,

edit Open

Main article: stub

For the case of an accessible amount (i.e. Z_L=\infty), the ascribe impedance is already afresh abstract and periodic

Z_\mathrm{in} (l)=-j Z_0 \cot(\beta l). \,

edit Stepped manual line

A simple archetype of stepped manual band consisting of three segments.

A stepped manual line2 is acclimated for ample ambit impedance matching. It can be advised as assorted manual band segments affiliated in series, with the appropriate impedance of anniversary alone aspect to be Z0,i. The ascribe impedance can be acquired from the alternating appliance of the alternation relation

Z_\mathrm{i+1}=Z_\mathrm{0,i} \frac{Z_i + jZ_\mathrm{0,i}\tan(\beta_i l_i)}{Z_\mathrm{0,i} + jZ_i\tan(\beta_i l_i)}

where βi is the beachcomber amount of the ith manual band articulation and li is the breadth of this segment, and Zi is the front-end impedance that endless the ith segment.

The impedance transformation amphitheater forth a manual band whose appropriate impedance Z0,i is abate than that of the ascribe cable Z0. And as a result, the impedance ambit is off-centered appear the -x axis. Conversely, if Z0,i > Z0, the impedance ambit should be off-centered appear the +x axis.

Because the appropriate impedance of anniversary manual band articulation Z0,i is generally altered from that of the ascribe cable Z0, the impedance transformation amphitheater is off centered forth the x arbor of the Smith Chart whose impedance representation is usually normalized adjoin Z0.

Practical types

Coaxial cable

Main article: coaxial cable

Coaxial curve confine about all of the electromagnetic beachcomber to the breadth central the cable. Coaxial curve can accordingly be angled and askance (subject to limits) after abrogating effects, and they can be beggared to conductive supports after inducing exceptionable currents in them. In radio-frequency applications up to a few gigahertz, the beachcomber propagates in the axle electric and alluring approach (TEM) only, which agency that the electric and alluring fields are both erect to the administration of advancement (the electric acreage is radial, and the alluring acreage is circumferential). However, at frequencies for which the amicableness (in the dielectric) is decidedly beneath than the ambit of the cable, axle electric (TE) and axle alluring (TM) waveguide modes can aswell propagate. When added than one approach can exist, aeroembolism and added irregularities in the cable geometry can could cause ability to be transferred from one approach to another.

The a lot of accepted use for coaxial cables is for television and added signals with bandwidth of assorted megahertz. In the average 20th aeon they agitated continued ambit blast connections.

A blazon of manual band alleged a cage line, acclimated for top power, low abundance applications. It functions analogously to a ample coaxial cable. This archetype is the antenna feedline for a longwave radio transmitter in Poland, which operates at a abundance of 225 kHz and a ability of 1200 kW.

edit Microstrip

Main article: microstrip

A microstrip ambit uses a attenuate collapsed aqueduct which is alongside to a arena plane. Microstrip can be fabricated by accepting a band of chestnut on one ancillary of a printed ambit lath (PCB) or bowl substrate while the added ancillary is a affiliated arena plane. The amplitude of the strip, the array of the careful band (PCB or ceramic) and the dielectric affiliated of the careful band actuate the appropriate impedance. Microstrip is an accessible anatomy admitting coaxial cable is a bankrupt structure.

edit Stripline

Main commodity : Stripline

A stripline ambit uses a collapsed band of metal which is sandwiched amid two alongside arena planes. The careful actual of the substrate forms a dielectric. The amplitude of the strip, the array of the substrate and the about permittivity of the substrate actuate the appropriate impedance of the band which is a manual line.

edit Counterbalanced lines

Main article: Counterbalanced line

A counterbalanced band is a manual band consisting of two conductors of the aforementioned type, and according impedance to arena and added circuits. There are abounding formats of counterbalanced lines, amidst the a lot of accepted are askance pair, brilliant cloister and twin-lead.

edit Askance pair

Main article: Askance pair

Twisted pairs are frequently acclimated for earthbound blast communications. In such cables, abounding pairs are aggregate calm in a individual cable, from two to several thousand.3 The architecture is aswell acclimated for abstracts arrangement administration central buildings, but the cable is added big-ticket because the manual band ambit are deeply controlled.

edit Brilliant quad

Star cloister is addition counterbalanced architecture acclimated at low frequencies. Applications cover 4-wire telephony and microphone circuits. Two pairs are provided by four conductors, which are all askance calm about the cable axis. Anniversary brace uses non-adjacent conductors.

Interference best up by the cable arrives as a about absolute accepted approach signal, which is calmly removed by coupling transformers. Because the conductors are consistently the aforementioned ambit from anniversary other, cantankerous allocution is bargain about to cables with two abstracted askance pairs.

edit Twin-lead

Main article: Twin-lead

Twin-lead consists of a brace of conductors captivated afar by a affiliated insulator.

edit Lecher lines

Main article: Lecher lines

Lecher curve are a anatomy of alongside aqueduct that can be acclimated at UHF for creating beating circuits. They are a acceptable applied architecture that fills the gap amid lumped apparatus (used at HF/VHF) and beating cavities (used at UHF/SHF).

edit Single-wire line

Unbalanced curve were aforetime abundant acclimated for telegraph transmission, but this anatomy of advice has now collapsed into disuse. Cables are agnate to askance brace in that abounding cores are arranged into the aforementioned cable but alone one aqueduct is provided per ambit and there is no twisting. All the circuits on the aforementioned avenue use a accepted aisle for the acknowledgment accepted (earth return). There is a ability manual adaptation of single-wire apple acknowledgment in use in abounding locations.

edit Waveguide

Main article: Waveguide (electromagnetism)

Waveguides are ellipsoidal or annular brownish tubes central which an electromagnetic beachcomber is broadcast and is bedfast by the tube. Waveguides are not able of transmitting the axle electromagnetic approach begin in chestnut curve and have to use some added mode. Consequently, they cannot be anon affiliated to cable and a apparatus for ablution the waveguide approach have to be provided at the interface.

edit Optical fiber

Main article: Optical fiber

Optical cilia is a solid cellophane cilia of bottle or polymer that carries an optical signal. Optical cilia is a array of waveguide. Optical cilia manual curve anatomy the courage of avant-garde earthbound communications networks due to their low cost, low loss, and top arresting bandwidth (high abstracts rate).

General applications

Signal transfer

Electrical manual curve are actual broadly acclimated to address top abundance signals over continued or abbreviate distances with minimum ability loss. One accustomed archetype is the down advance from a TV or radio aeriform to the receiver.

edit Beating generation

Transmission curve are aswell acclimated as beating generators. By charging the manual band and again absolution it into a arresting load, a ellipsoidal beating according in breadth to alert the electrical breadth of the band can be obtained, although with bisected the voltage. A Blumlein manual band is a accompanying beating basic accessory that overcomes this limitation. These are sometimes acclimated as the pulsed activity sources for alarm transmitters and added devices.

edit Butt filters

If a short-circuited or open-circuited manual band is active in alongside with a band acclimated to alteration signals from point A to point B, again it will action as a filter. The adjustment for authoritative stubs is agnate to the adjustment for application Lecher curve for awkward abundance measurement, but it is 'working backwards'. One adjustment recommended in the RSGB's radiocommunication handbook is to yield an open-circuited breadth of manual band active in alongside with the agriculturalist carrying signals from an aerial. By acid the chargeless end of the manual line, a minimum in the backbone of the arresting empiric at a receiver can be found. At this date the butt clarify will adios this abundance and the odd harmonics, but if the chargeless end of the butt is shorted again the butt will become a clarify abnegation the even harmonics.

Acoustic transmission lines

An acoustic manual band is the acoustic analog of the electrical manual line, about anticipation of as a rigid-walled tube that is continued and attenuate about to the amicableness of complete present in it.

Solutions of the Telegrapher's Equations as Circuit Components

Equivalent ambit of a manual band declared by the Telegrapher's equations.

Solutions of the Telegrapher's Equations as Apparatus in the Agnate Ambit of a Counterbalanced Manual Band Two-Port Implementation.

The solutions of the telegrapher's equations can be amid anon into a ambit as components. The ambit in the larboard amount accouterments the solutions of the telegrapher's equations.4

The appropriate duke ambit is acquired from the larboard duke ambit by antecedent transformations.5 It aswell accouterments the solutions of the telegrapher's equations.

The band-aid of the telegrapher's equations can be bidding as an ABCD blazon Two-port arrangement with the afterward defining equations6

V_1 = V_2 cosh ( \gamma x) + I_2 Z sinh (\gamma x) \,

I_1 = V_2 \frac{1}{Z} sinh (\gamma x) + I_2 cosh(\gamma x). \,

The symbols: E_s, E_L, I_s, I_L, l \, in the antecedent book accept been replaced by the symbols : V_1, V_2, I_1, I_2, x \, in the above-mentioned two equations.

The ABCD blazon two-port gives V_1 \, and I_1 \, as functions of V_2 \, and I_2 \, . Both of the circuits above, if apparent for V_1 \, and I_1 \, as functions of V_2 \, and I_2 \, crop absolutely the aforementioned equations.

In the appropriate duke circuit, all voltages except the anchorage voltages are with annual to arena and the cogwheel amplifiers accept unshown access to ground. An archetype of a manual band modeled by this ambit would be a counterbalanced manual band such as a blast line. The impedances Z(s), the voltage abased accepted sources (VDCSs) and the aberration amplifiers (the triangle with the amount "1") annual for the alternation of the manual band with the alien circuit. The T(s) blocks annual for delay, attenuation, burning and whatever happens to the arresting in transit. One of the T(s) blocks carries the advanced beachcomber and the added carries the astern wave. The circuit, as depicted, is absolutely symmetric, although it is not fatigued that way. The ambit depicted is agnate to a manual band affiliated from V_1 \, to V_2 \, in the faculty that V_1 \, , V_2 \, , I_1 \, and I_2 \, would be aforementioned whether this ambit or an absolute manual band was affiliated amid V_1 \, and V_2 \, . There is no association that there are in fact amplifiers central the manual line.

Every two-wire or counterbalanced manual band has an absolute (or in some cases explicit) third wire which may be alleged shield, sheath, common, Earth or ground. So every two-wire counterbalanced manual band has two modes which are nominally alleged the cogwheel and accepted modes. The ambit apparent on the appropriate alone models the cogwheel mode.

In the larboard duke circuit, the voltage doublers, the aberration amplifiers and impedances Z(s) annual for the alternation of the manual band with the alien circuit. This circuit, as depicted, is aswell absolutely symmetric, and aswell not fatigued that way. This ambit is a advantageous agnate for an asymmetric manual band like a coaxial cable or a micro band line.

These are not the alone accessible agnate circuits.