Monday, February 27, 2012


In abounding electric circuits, the breadth of the affairs abutting the apparatus can for the a lot of allotment be ignored. That is, the voltage on the wire at a accustomed time can be affected to be the aforementioned at all points. However, if the voltage changes in a time breach commensurable to the time it takes for the arresting to biking down the wire, the breadth becomes important and the wire accept to be advised as a manual line. Stated addition way, the breadth of the wire is important if the arresting includes abundance apparatus with agnate wavelengths commensurable to or beneath than the breadth of the wire.

A accepted aphorism of deride is that the cable or wire should be advised as a manual band if the breadth is greater than 1/10 of the wavelength. At this breadth the appearance adjournment and the arrest of any reflections on the band become important and can advance to capricious behavior in systems which accept not been anxiously advised application manual band theory.

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